Confidential base of the Third Reich in Antarctica
Operation " the High jump " (High Jump) has been disguised under usual research expedition, and all is far not guessed, that to coast of Antarctica the powerful naval squadron has directed. An aircraft carrier, 13 ships of various types, 25 planes and helicopters, more four thousand person, - these data speak a semi-annual stock of products for themselves.
It would Seem, all went under the plan: for a month it has been made 49 thousand pictures. And suddenly there was something about what authorities of the USA are silent till now. On March, 3rd, 1947 just the begun expedition have urgently curtailed, and the ships have hasty headed home. In a year, in May, 1948, on pages of European magazine " A?ecaio " some details have emerged. It was informed, that expedition has met rigid resistance of the opponent. Have been lost at least one ship, tens the people, four fighting planes, it was necessary to leave nine more planes as unsuitable to use. What has occured, it is possible to guess only. We have no original documents, however, if to trust the press, the members which have ventured memoirs of crews spoke about " come up from under water " and attacked them " flying disks ", about the strange atmospheric phenomena which caused mental frustration. Journalists result a fragment from the report. Berda, ostensibly made at confidential session spetskomissii:
"The USA it is necessary to accept protective actions against the fighters of the opponent making starts from polar areas. In case of new war America can undergo to attack of the enemy possessing ability to fly from one pole on another with improbable speed!"
Almost in ten years admiral Berd has headed new polar expedition in which under mysterious circumstances was lost. After its death in a press there were data ostensibly from a diary of the admiral. From them the plane on which it has taken off on investigation follows, that during expedition of 1947, strange flying devices, " similar to the British soldier's helmets " have forced to land. The high blue-eyed blonde who in broken English language has transferred the reference to the American government with the requirement to stop nuclear tests has approached To admiral. Some of sources approve, that after this meeting between a nazi colony in Antarctica and the American government the agreement on an exchange of German high technologies on the American raw material has been signed.
A Number of researchers believes, that the German base in Antarctica was kept till now. Moreover, speak about existence there the whole underground city under the name " New Berlin " with the population of two million person. The basic employment of its inhabitants are the genic engineering and flights in space. However, direct proofs in favour of this version while nobody has presented. The main argument of those who doubts available polar base, - difficulty of delivery there enormous quantity of the fuel necessary for development of the electric power. Argument serious, but too traditional, and to it object: if converters Kolera necessity for fuel is minimal are created.
Indirect acknowledgement of existence of base name numerous supervision of UFO in area of South Pole. Often see zavisshie in air of "plate" and "cigar". And in 1976 the Japanese researchers by means of the newest equipment have marked simultaneously nineteen round objects which "have dived" from space to Antarctica and gone from screens. The food for conversations on German UFOS periodically is thrown and ufologicheskaja with the chronicle. Here only two typical messages.
On November, 5th, 1957 the USA, state of Nebraska. Late at night to the sheriff of the city of Kerni the businessman - the buyer of grain Rajmond Schmidt was and has told history, proisshedshuju with it near to city. The machine on which it went on a line Boston - San Francisco, has suddenly decayed and has stopped. When it has left it to look, that happens, has noticed near to road on a wood glade huge " a metal cigar ". Directly on its eyes the hatch has opened and on the put forward platform there was a person in usual clothes. In excellent German language - Schmidt's native language - the stranger has suggested it to come into the ship. Inside the businessman has seen two men and two women of quite usual exterior, but moved in the unusual way - they as though slided on a floor. Have remained in memory with Schmidt and any flaring pipes filled by a color liquid. Approximately in its half an hour have asked to leave, "cigar" has silently risen in air and has disappeared behind a wood.
On November, 6th, 1957 the USA, state of Tennessee, Dante (vicinities of Knoxville). In the half seventh mornings the oblong object of " uncertain color " has landed in a floor in hundred meters from the house of family of Clarks. Dvenadtsatiletny Everet Clark walked at this time a dog, has told, that two men and two women who have left the device, spoke among themselves, " as if German soldiers from a film ". To them with desperate bark Clark's dog, and for it and other neighbour's dogs has rushed. Strangers all over again unsuccessfully tried to catch one of the dogs who have jumped up to them, but then have left this invention, have passed in object, and the device has silently departed. Reporter Carson Brever from noksvillskoj newspapers "News-naioeiae" has found out on this place the trampled down grass on a site 7,5 on 1,5 meters.
It is natural, that many researchers have a desire to make responsible for similar cases on Germans. " The impression, that some of the ships which we today see, - no more than the further development of technology of German disks is made. Thus, actually can be so, that we are visited periodically by Germans " (U.Stevens).
Whether they Are connected with aliens? Today there is kontakterskaja an information (to which, however, always it it is necessary to concern with care), that such communication exists. It is considered, contact to a civilization from constellation of Galaxies has occured for a long time - even before the Second world war - and has rendered essential influence on scientific and technical development of the third Reich. Up to the end of war nazi leaders hoped for a straight line inoplanetnuju the military help but so it and have not received.
Contactor Rendi Uinters (R. Winters) from Miami informs (USA) on existence now in jungle of Amazon of the present inoplanetnogo kosmoporta civilizations of Galaxies. It speaks and that after war aliens have taken on service someone from Germans. Since then there already has grown at least two generations of Germans which went to school with children of aliens and cooperated with them from early age. Today they fly, work and live onboard extraterrestrial spacecrafts. And they do not have those desires to dominate over a planet which were at their fathers and grandfathers, as, poznav depths of space, they have understood, that there are things much more significant ?